Sunday, March 20, 2011


It's been sooo nice to be out of the hospital and be able to relax at home with Austin. We've enjoyed so many different things during his first 9 days. Here is Sis holding him for the first time. He likes her! This is what our living room looked like at the end of Austin's first day at home. This still cracks me up. We've come a LONG way since then. We're much more organized;).
This is after Austin's first bath. He SCREAMED his head off. He does NOT like bath time at all! Just last night he got where he tolerated it a little bit better. He still cried, but it didn't sound like we were beating him. I'm hoping for him to start enjoying it!
Kamden and Kason have been soooo impatient to meet their cousin. It really ticked them off they couldn't come see me in the hospital, but they were ready to come meet Austin as soon as we got home. They both have lullabyes they like to sing to him;).

This is Austin's first baseball uniform! Ha ha! His Grandma Watts brought it to him when she came to visit on Friday. How cute this?!?!

This is Austin having his first tummy time. His umbilical cord fell off on Thursday. It makes changing his diaper MUCH easier!
And we even have his first prescription bottle. Andrew and I are "those parents" and scheduled him for a doctor's appointment before his 2 week checkup. He was having what we thought was a rash all over his body. It turns out he just has sensitive skin and gets little bumps when his skin is touching something, but then they go away. The doctor said he'll grow out of it. He also had a little bit of a diaper rash:( and we got his first prescription.
Austin went to his first restaurant...and his last for awhile. LOL We're a little nervous about him being out in public and people touching him. We were in Lovington for his appointment and were starving, so we decided to go ahead and eat. We put him on the table away from people where no one could touch him;).
This is Austin going on his first car trip except the one where we left the hospital. He was such a good boy! He was perfect on the car ride, at the doctor, and at the restaurant. What a good baby boy!

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