Monday, January 16, 2012

10 Months Old

We have a 10 month old! Austin has HATED his car seat for quite some time now. He's so strong he would lift his butt where it wouldn't touch the sit when I put him. We decided it was time to get a big boy seat since we would have to get a new one soon anyway. Here he is in his new seat that he likes MUCH better. He still wimpers sometimes a little when I put him in it, but nothing like it used to be. Thanks, Cindy, for the excellent advice on the car seat! Last week Hobbs got a blizzard, I mean REALLY! It was insane! I've heard different reports of between 10-12 inches! We were stuck at school all day. Here's outside my classroom window during the day...

After school it was INSANE trying to get out of the parking lot. I took Kamden and Kason to my parents' house and they had to walk in my footsteps. Once we got to the car we had to sit there FOREVER to let it warm up and melt some of the snow off. I would get out and rake off snow for awhile and then get back in and warm up for a little while. It was a LOT of snow!

Andrew measured 7 inches on top of my car AFTER I got home and it had warmed up after driving for 45 minutes to my parents house and then home!

OK, back to baby....

And his 10 month old pictures! He's sooo cool...

And another one like that...

And that was where the cooperation ended...This kid is fascinated by the booger sucker!

Admiring himself in the mirror, I can't say that I blame him! In this picture you can see that he does actually have hair!

I can't believe my sweet boy is 10 months old! This month he has REALLY learned to play Peak a Boo! He loves it! He likes to hide behind stuff now and then pop up. He also likes a blanket or towel over his head and then he yanks it off. So sweet! We've started practicing on walking, but we have a long way to go before we get there. Austin's favorite toy is a music table he got for Christmas. It fascinates him. He still loves his bath time. He plays and plays in there. Sometimes he even dunks his face. It always surprises him, but he never cries. We still start his bedtime routine around 8:00 and he is put in bed around 8:30. He is suprisingly easy to put to bed, considering how difficult he is on so many other things! He has been getting up around 4 to eat and then if he has to go my parents I get him up at 7:15. If he gets to stay home, sometimes he will sleep until 8ish. First thing in the morning he LOVES to play. He plays by himself very well in the morning. He is constantly on the go and SO very busy. He recently has started to like to sit on my lap and watch TV with me for awhile and sometimes he'll just fall asleep. He eats a fruit and veggie for lunch and also the same for dinner. He LOVES to have Puffs for snacks! They're his favorite! We have the kitchen blocked off and doesn't go in there often. I do let him go in there while I'm cooking dinner or doing bottles. He loves to scoot around on that floor. I think he likes it because he can go that much faster on the tile! He gives kisses and loves. He's real sweet about laying his cheek on my cheek. In the past week he has learned to say ball, it comes out, "Ba." I've been practicing on giving me five and blowing kisses, but we still have a ways to go on those. Yep, he's still a keeper;).

1 comment:

  1. So glad he likes the car seat!! Drew still doesn't mind his. He protests every now and then, but overall it's a keeper! Austin is really looking like his daddy to me!
