Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Moods of Austin

This is one cool dude we have. This is how he has to sit now when he eats his baby food. The feet must be propped up! It's so funny, every time I sit him in the high chair he does this. I forgot to include these next 2 when I did the anniversary post. Yes, we saved a piece of our wedding cake and froze it over the last year. We both did eat (a bite) of the cake. Surprisingly, I thought it was pretty good!

Here's the pillowcases Andrew got me for our anniversary. Very thoughtful hubby I have:).

Here's Austin when we were on the way home from his 4 month checkup in Lovington. He was OUT!! Could he look any sweeter?

So yesterday my sweet baby boy decided he no longer needed to take naps now that he is 4 months old. He turned into a monster! Here's how our day began...

Here's the middle of the day...

And here he is after a TWENTY minute nap! He took 3 20 minute naps and that was it!

Today was MUCH better. He took a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon! He also had several other little naps throughout the day. And further updates...right after Austin turned 3 months old we started putting him to bed at 10 o'clock. We give him a bath and a bottle and this seems to relax him. Sometimes during the bottle he is OUT and I can take him straight to bed, sometimes we go to the swing for a little while. He sleeps until at LEAST 4 each morning, but has made it to 7:30. He gets up to eat and goes right back to sleep. He likes to sleep until about 11 which I don't mind a bit! We get up and eat some baby food and then I get him dressed. He LOVES to be naked. I look forward to getting him dressed everyday because I can make him laugh so hard. He is SOOO ticklish! We still have "the sleeper hold," but I'm afraid he's starting to outgrow it. He still does it at night where I get to snuggle up with him to give him a bottle, but he doesn't do it as much during the day. He now realizes I'm putting to sleep when I hold him like that. He has been able to roll over tummy to back for awhile, but tonight he rolled back to tummy...kind of. I was getting him ready to leave Mom and Dad's house and laid him down on the couch. It's SLIGHTLY slanted and he did it there, so he had a little extra help. He has been really, really close for awhile when he's been laying in the floor. He also really like to play in his play gym. He kicks and scoots around in a 360 circle while laying there. He's getting REALLY good at his jumperoo. That's definitely a HIT!! He's definitely more playful!


  1. What a cool dude! Great pics of that cute little guy! Way to go, Andrew, on the pillow cases!! Oh, and our wedding cake topper didn't last a week. I ate the whole layer by myself after the wedding - hahah!

  2. WHAT!?!? You ate it? LOL If it was any sweet besides cake I wouldn't have been able to stand it sitting in the freezer and not diving in. I was wondering what it means that we did save it to eat on our anniversary. Does that mean good luck for us? I guess y'all are doomed. They usually say it's the 7 year itch, but y'all have passed that now!
