Saturday, August 21, 2010

Before & After

Once we returned from the Watts' Family Reunion it was time to put it in high gear getting ready for school to start. This is what my classroom looked like when I started...
And this is it now! It was tons and tons of work, but it finally all came together in the end. It seemed like I didn't see Andrew for a week! I have 23 kids and they are SOOO sweet! I LOVE my class!

Kamden is in 4th grade now too! He is next door in Ms. Reber's class and LOVES her! This is him working very hard on a flower art project. Here's a funny for ya....We do planners in 4th grade and he wrote in his planner for homework, "2 Work Shits." (It should have said...2 worksheets.)LOL That's what he thinks about Ms. Reber's homework:)! HA HA!!


  1. OOOOHmygosh, Kamden is hilarious!!! That's classic. And the classroom looks great, as usual!

  2. Thanks, Cindy! I'm sure you're missing working in a classroom, so give me a call and come on up. I'll even let you grade some papers;).
