Sunday, November 20, 2011

8 Months Old!

We have a precious baby boy. He is soooo much fun! Here he is making it over the step and into the kitchen for the first time. Hi, Mom! This is while he's working to get over the step...

Just chillin'...he's a cool dude!


The mornings are cooooold, especially when you don't have much hair!

Austin had fun playing while we were waiting to have his 8 month old pictures taken!

And his 8 month pictures...

Love that little smile!

He's a big boy!

Getting sooo big!

The biggest thing Austin has learned this month is crawling. He got it going just a few days before he turned 8 months old. He's OFF now, we're having to begin learning the meaning of the word...No! LOL Surprise, surprise! His reflux is now back. He's been spitting up and runny nose, so we took him to the doctor. She said he has reflux again and he had double ear infections. Poor baby. He's better now, but we're back on the Zantac and it's helping. He's 17 lbs 10 oz. I'm not sure on the inches, but we go back to the doctor on Wednesday and I'll find that out. He's been sleeping great. He goes to bed a little after 8 and sleeps until 6:30ish. Occasionally he'll wake up around 4 to eat, but not too often. If he does, he goes right back to sleep so that helps at least. This past month he has also learned to wave bye bye. It's so sweet. He loooves to eat his baby food, gobbles it up sooo fast. His favorite song is The Itsy Bitsy Spider. My mom discovered this. If we sing it to him when he's mad a lot of times he'll quit crying to listen. He's full of giggles, laughs, and smiles. He still definitely keeps us in line and lets us know what he wants though:)! Make sure you check out the videos below. It's a 2 blog post kind of a day!


  1. He's so cute and getting so so big!! You're in for it now that he's mobile ;) Fun times!
