Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Milestones - 1 Week & 36 Weeks

Today I am 36 weeks pregnant which is a big milestone. Dr Driskill is adamant that at this point Austin would only have possible short term problems if he were born right now. He could possibly have problems with body temperature, blood sugar, jaundice, etc. Today upped his percentage to being able to go home with us after he's born to 65%. Much better than when we were at 50%. The other milestone we have today is I've been in the hospital for 1 week. Here is the setup I've had since last Thursday. Before that I was in another room. Today I'm really sick of it. I want at least a day pass to go home for good behavior. Since my doctors don't seem to agree with that, my hubby brought me some flowers today for my good behavior. They are very pretty and smell sooooo good!
Andrew has really been a trooper through all of this. He has put in a normal work day every day (after the first day when I called him and he left early). He has done all of our laundry and taken care of the house and he has "slept" out here at the hospital with me every night. He sleeps in a little chair that folds out into a bed. His shoulders are probably wider than the crappy mattress is. It's ironic that so many people think of getting rest in a hospital. During the night the nurse comes in for blood pressure checks and I get my blood drawn every morning at 6 am. The doctor usually comes by a little after 7, breakfast at 7:30, and then non stress test around 8. Through all of that Andrew has never complained once (and has listened to all of my gripes) and I know he has to be exhausted. I stay here and nap during the day, but he has to go off to work. Yep, he's a great husband:).


  1. Oh my, you are a trooper! I only had 5 days in the hospital, and I was drugged for most of that! HA. I'm so glad you made it to 36 weeks!!!!

  2. Hope you're feeling good and recovering well! How is Austin? Can't wait to see some pics on here!!
